(OG Kush) Mundo de los dioses Nórdicos, gobernado por Odín.

(OG Kush) World of the Norse gods, ruled by Odin

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(Power Plant) Diosa del amor, la Belleza y la Felicidad.

(Power Plant) Goddess of the love, the Beauty and the Happiness.

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(Afgana Auto) Enanos fantásticos y elementales de la Tierra.

(Afgana Auto) Fantastic and elementary dwarfs of the Earth.

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(Caramelice) Caminante del Cielo, dios de las Travesuras y del Caos.

(Caramelice) Walker of Heaven, god of mischief and chaos.

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(Blue Widow) Es la Noche, Madre de dioses, trae el descanso al trabajador.

(Blue Widow) It is the Night, gods' Mother, it brings the rest to the worker.

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(Cheese) Dios de los dioses, Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra, Dios de la Sabiduría.

(Cheese) God of the gods, Master of the Sky and of the Earth, God of Wisdom

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(Somango) Diosa de las Cosechas, y protegida de Thor.

(Somango) Goddess of the Harvests, and Thor protégée.

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(Red Skunk Auto) Lobo gigante que persegue a la diosa Sol.

(Red Skunk Auto) Giant Wolf who chase the Sun goddess.

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(Northern Light Auto) El Corcel más rápido de todo el Universo, simboliza los Ocho Vientos.

(Northern Light Auto) The fastest Steed of the entire universe, symbolizes the Eight Winds.

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(Critical +) Dios del Rayo y del Trueno.

(Critical +) God of Lightning and Thunder.

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(Critical + Auto) Diosas menores, conducían a los heroes caídos al Valhalla.

(Critical + Auto) Minor goddesses, led to the fallen heroes to Valhalla.

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(Super Silver Haze) Arbol de la Vida, alimenta y sostiene toda existencia física y espiritual.

(Super Silver Haze) Tree of the Life, it feeds and supports any physical and spiritual existence.

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